Providing an Engineering Solution to Connect a Region

American Engineering created the initial alignment for the South Norfolk Jordan Bridge one night over pizza.

All iconic projects start with an idea and an initial concept. Sometimes those concepts use complex models, but sometimes they start on the back of a napkin – or in this case –with a sketch on the top of a pizza box in the conference room of American Engineering (which was known in Virginia at time as ESI).

A two-lane, 18 foot-wide, metal truss toll bridge connecting Chesapeake to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard and Portsmouth, was considered state-of-the-art in the early part of 20th Century. But by 2009, a new solution was needed for the 1.5-mile connection over the Elizabeth River between the Chesapeake and Portsmouth.  Figg Bridge worked with American Engineering as its lead civil engineer for the geometric and roadway design.

Severe vertical geometric challenges required achieving the channel clearance over the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, accommodating railroad right-of-way, all while tying into the existing interchange of I-464 and Poindexter Street in Chesapeake. Our surveyors played a major role by providing vertical and horizontal controls, property surveying, and helping establish the horizontal and vertical geometry for the entire project.  Our design not only accommodated constraints above the water, but we also performed a bathymetric survey to identify the location of any underwater shipwrecks.

What started as a sketch over pizza one evening became complex 3D easement exhibits to ensure the bridge and roadways stayed within City controlled land with almost no additional easements needed. This critical piece of Hampton Roads infrastructure was completed – from sketch to ribbon cutting in just 3 years.

South Norfolk Jordan Bridge


Chesapeake, VA


Serving City of Chesapeake & Figg Bridge Group


  • Civil Engineering
  • Transportation Planning
  • Roadway Design
  • Geometric Analysis
  • Land Surveying & Construction Controls
  • Bathymetric Survey
  • Utility Coordination
  • Project Management

American Engineering created the initial alignment for the South Norfolk Jordan Bridge one night over pizza.