American Engineering draws upon its site engineering, planning, transportation, and landscape architecture expertise to solve complex challenges while creating distinct places.

American Engineering Wins City of Charlotte Project

American Engineering Wins City of Charlotte Project!

Robinson Church Rd- WT Harris Blvd to Hood Rd


Our Transportation team won the contract from the City of Charlotte RFP – Advanced Planning and Design in November 2019.  The goal of this roadway project will include multi-modal improvements along Robinson Church Road.

This project will widen the existing two-lane undivided road with landscaped medians with turn lanes or pedestrian refuge islands as needed. Curbs, bike lanes, and sidewalks with planting strips will also be installed. A roundabout will be built at the intersection of Plott Road. The project limits are from W.T. Harris Boulevard to Hood Road for a total length of approximately 2.65 miles.